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Conventions |
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Table of Families |
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Used conventions |
Avoid all file names containing spaces and/or special characters (: / , ; + ? % ! \ and others)
For the models, the file name corresponds to the name of the taxon, followed by the version number of the model and the extension .mod.
Example : the file of the version 21 of the model of the Pocilloporidae is named Pocilloporidae21.mod.
Please take note that that we have included in the model text at the root: the name of the model, its version, date of creation, author, his/her e-mail address and other pertinent information.
Example : The model of Pocilloporidae21.mod has the following text :
Mascarene coral : Pocilloporidae family
Version 2.1 - September 28 1998
Expert : Gérard FAURE (gfaure@univ-montp2.fr)
In collaboration with M. Pichon and M.Guillaume
For the case bases, the name of the file corresponds to the name or abbreviation of the name of the corresponding model, the name of the describer (if described by only one person), the number of cases and the extension .cas.
Example : the file of the case base of the Fungiidae model described by Dupond contains fifty one cases and is named FungiidaeDupond51.cas.
A folder labeled Illustrations contains all the files of illustrations used for the models as well as sub-folders that take their names from the sample label and that contain the illustrations pertaining to the case. The names of the images are composed of the: label of the object, attribute, and value (in that order) with the name of the file ending with the extension corresponding to the file format (.gif or .jpg).
Example : if we illustrate the Pocilloporidae described by Dupond, the folder named Illustrations will contain images such as :
The organization of file directories used for the different families follows :
One folder by name of the family contains :
- a case sub-folder which includes files named (fileName.cas),
- a model subfolder with the files named (fileName.mod),
- an illustrations sub-folder (images, graphics) with the files named (fileName.jpg, fileName.gif), and sub-directories taking their names from the sample label (Mauritius MAU, Reunion REU, Rodrigues RO)
- a classes sub-folder that contains the results of classification (fileName.classes).
Example :
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Table of Families |
Clicking on their name, you can download a model, a case base or illustrations. The files are compressed with StuffIt® from Aladdin. You can download Expander® (freeware MacOS/Windows/Linux) on the Alladin site for decompression.
Models / Illustrations |
Case bases / Illustrations |
Notes | |
Pocillopora genus |
Pocillopora1.mod Gérard FAURE 25/10/1996 / n.d. |
Pocillopora82.cas PocilloporaGerard24.cas |
first model |
Pocilloporidae family |
Pocilloporidae22.mod Gérard FAURE 28/9/1998 / les illustrations de Pocilloporidae22 sont disponibles sur ce site |
Pocilloporidae114.cas PocilloFaurePichon55.cas |
first family model |
Fungiidae family |
Fungiidae27.mod Michel PICHON 8/6/2000 / n.d. |
FungPichon30.cas | being update |
Astrocoeniidae family |
Astrocoeniidae18.mod Gérard FAURE 2/06/2000 / n.d. |
AstroFaure8.cas | being update |
Siderastreidae family |
Siderastreidae29.mod Gérard FAURE 1/06/2000 / illusSider29-1.sit illusSider29-2.sit illusSider29-3.sit illusSider29-4.sit |
SiderFaure60.cas | - |
The coral project has been partially financed by the Régional Council of Réunion.
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© IREMIA - IKBS team - 11/2000